Friday, March 20, 2009

Before and After #4

Home offices are nice to have but not if they become clutter-central. Here are a few before and after pictures of an office I organized recently.

Before and After #3

My latest job was a doozy! The garage of an extremely busy family. Here are a few before and after pictures.

I grouped like objects together. All sports equipment together, all tools together, lawn care items together, etc.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Plan to Procrastinate

Did you know that we are in the middle of National Procrastination Week? (Yeah, I was going to write this post on Monday but I put it off) Well hopefully we can all get motivated to stop procrastinating this week because next Tuesday (March 10th) is National Organize Your Home Office Day. Are you as excited as I am? Focus! Breathe!

Okay, so first off you'll need to take a look at your home office and decide where your weaknesses are. Are there piles of papers to be filed? Is your bookshelf in disarray? Is your office a catch-all for clutter? Can your furniture be arranged in a more efficient or pleasing way? Start planning what you need to do now so that you can procrastinate doing it until next week. Or show that procrastination who's boss and start early!